A group of innovative, generous and wonderful young ladies are giving their time and effort to complete 1 million steps together in support of our new campaign: SPONSOR A WIDOW. To find out more about widow sponsorship please click on the following link: https://alkawthar.org.uk/widow-sponsorship/
Please help these ladies participating in this initiative by donating through the “donate” button below which will take you to our donate form in which we would request for you to select the “1 Million Steps” option
If you prefer to donate via bank transfer our bank details are below. Thank you!
Al-Kawthar Project
Barclays account number: 10859869
Sort Code: 20-35-93
Please use the reference: Million Steps
If you would like to form a team in order to complete 1 million steps for Al-Kawthar please email us on alkawthar@alkhoei.org
Event Location
Event Start Date
June 07,2020 11:00 PM To 22:00
Get Registered
Email us on alkawthar@alkhoei.org if you would like to form a similar team and walk a million steps to support Al-Kawthar Project