The world of work has been evolving for many years and it seems that the pandemic has not only changed the way we work but also those who are the face of most positive changes taking place.
Al-Kawthar would like to be a contributor to this change by opening up a window to enable insight into an array of exciting careers that exist.
Through its 2 day programme (07/03/2021 and 14/03/2021), Al-Kawthar Career Event would like to invite all 14+ young ladies to join a panel of esteemed speakers in sharing their journeys into the world of work.
The event will include professions ranging from Law to Psychology; Civil Service to Computer Science; Lab Biologist to Female Rights Activist and many many more!
The speakers for the two-day event are as follows:
SUNDAY 7th March 2021:
Yasmin Jawad
Hatham Al-Kaabi
Zahra Al-Katib
Zahra Faisal Al-Alawi
Berak Hussain
SUNDAY 14th March 2021:
Huda Jawad
Zainab Hariri
Hawra Milani
Fatima Khoee
Zahra Kazemi Lary
Since there are limited spaces available, in order to avoid disappointment please register to secure your spot by emailing Zahrakl86@gmail.com by 28/02/2021.
There is no fee to attend this event, however, if you would like to make a kind donation to the Al-Kawthar Project For Widows & Orphans to support our upcoming Ramadhan Appeal this would be greatly appreciated. In the Holy Qur’an, we are given an understanding of the reward of such acts:
“Surely they who believe and do good deeds and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate they shall have their reward from their Lord, and they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve”~2:277
If you would like to do this, please either use the donate button below selecting the ‘Career Event Donations’ option, or our bank transfer details listed below. Thank you!
If you prefer to donate via bank transfer our bank details are below. Thank you!
Al-Kawthar Proj
Barclays account number: 10859869
Sort Code: 20-35-93
Please use the reference: Career Event
We are currently experiencing a technical issue where donors are finding it difficult to donate to us and they are being shown a notification that the name and details of the bank don’t match. Rest assured your money is coming to us and we are dealing with this matter. Thank you for your cooperation and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
For overseas donors :
Swift Code : BUKBGB22
IBAN Number : GB76BUKB20359310859869
Event Location
Event Start Date
March 07,2021 04:00 PM To 17:00
Get Registered
Since there are limited spaces available, in order to avoid disappointment please register to secure your spot by emailing Zahrakl86@gmail.com by 28/02/2021.