Al Kawthar project
As part of Al Kawthar Project for widows and orphans, the ‘Back To School Campaign’ was launched in order to support the orphans at the beginning of the academic year.
School supplies are distributed to the orphans in primary and secondary schools in Iraq.
School supply kits include backpacks, stationary, and much more.
We thank all our donors who helped Al-Kawthar in raising these funds, especially the wonderful ladies who sponsored and walked 5K in Hyde Park to raise funds.
كجزء من حمله مشروع الكوثر للأرامل والأيتام للعودة الى المدرسه ودعم الأيتام في بدايه العام الدراسي تم توزيع القرطاسية على الأيتام في مشروع الكوثر في المدارس الابتدائية والمدارس المتوسطه في العراق
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